Specialty Lights
Elevate your decorating game with high-quality decor to elevate your home or business project. Our commercial-grade snowflakes, wire Christmas trees, and ornaments will set your design apart from the rest.
Elevate your decorating game with high-quality decor to elevate your home or business project. Our commercial-grade snowflakes, wire Christmas trees, and ornaments will set your design apart from the rest.
Professional Grade C7 and C9 Faceted and Filament Bulbs that are built to last! Trusted by homeowners and commercial christmas lights installers across the country!
In every pursuit, we provide an extensive selection of light sets for all your needs, from illuminating homes and businesses to accentuating trees, shrubs, paths, and beyond!
Explore our selection of Mixed Noble or Sequoia wreaths, garlands, and teardrops, and unleash your creativity by experimenting with themed colors like Candy Cane, Frozen, and Champagne to elevate the festive ambiance!
Are you ready to make a statement? Our Christmas tower trees will help you stand out like none other this season! Check out our new technology RGB color changing Tower Trees, best pricing around!
The unsung heroes of holiday and event lighting are the cords, clips, and accessories that keep all the lights lit up and powered!
We have many specialty lighitng products. Here are just a few of them.
Click one of the hotspots to see more about each of the specialty lights in this picture!
Discover this year's top commercial and residential products for all holidays and events!
Open Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
For directions click: HERE